Optimist Childrens’ Christmas Party

xmasOptimist_outlook_2013 2 Here is a chance to be part of a Christmas Party on December 14th.

Christmas Season Concert Information

Hello Sir Adam Beck Families, Plans for our Christmas Concerts are well underway and I would like to thank the entire staff and all of the students for the work they are putting into making our concerts a wonderful experience for everyone.  This year we are happy to be running 2 concerts during the day.  […]

Remembrance Day

Showing their respect for all Veterans, staff and students quietly entered the gym for our Remembrance Day Assembly.  I was extremely proud of their behaviour and participation during the assembly this year that featured a live conversation with one of our Canadian Veterans using computer technology and our great projection system. My thanks to all […]

Thanksgiving Food Drive Success!

On behalf of our “We Day Committee”, a group of selected grade 6 students, we are very proud to report that our Food Drive was a great success.  The students had hoped to bring in 450 food items, but found that we were short of the total with one day to go.  A request went […]

Hosting the Area “PALS” Training

  It was our pleasure to host the area PALS training today.  Students and staff from Forest Glen, Baden and Westvale joined our own group to receive their leadership training for this program. What is PALS?  “Playground Activity Leaders in Schools”  encourages all children to participate in activities during recess breaks.  Using the slogan, “There […]

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