Please Join SchoolDay for Updates

We are trying to provide consistent communication regarding upcoming events and one of our goals is to remove duplication if possible.  As we become more comfortable with the SchoolDay program we will be increasing the communication being sent using that system and encourage everyone to register.  We are more than happy to help you with […]

Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is looking for new members!

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) invites parents/guardians of students currently enrolled in a Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) school and community members to apply for positions on the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee. The mandate for the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee is to: Provide information and advice on parent engagement to the WRDSB; Communicate with and […]

Details Regarding Meet the Teacher Evening

I have had some inquiries regarding our Meet the Teacher evening so I thought I would send out an explanation for everyone. In my previous message I referred to a traditional evening.  Following the success of our Sir Adam Beck birthday party in early January, it was decided that this would be something we would […]

A Busy Second Week

Please accept my thanks for an excellent start to another school year.  Following 4 very exhausting days we find ourselves beginning our second week, which will prove to be very busy as well.  I want to invite you to 2 evening events that you may find interesting. Our first School Council meeting of this year […]

Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year

Dear Parents, Guardians, and WRDSB Community Members, It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2016-17 school year. Successful learning relies on strong partnerships between school, home and community. Our staff work hard to ensure students achieve success through a variety of programs and resources that meet the needs of each student. […]

Welcome to Another Year

Allow me to welcome all of our students and families to another school year at Sir Adam Beck.  It has been a great summer and we are excited to see all of the familiar faces as well as our many new students.  I want to just take a few moments to mention a few items. […]

Welcome Back – Suggested School Supply List

Please follow the attached link to our Suggested School Supply List for September 2016. Hope you had a super summer…..  Mr.B Suggested-School-Supply-List-for-2016-2017

2016-17 Transportation Information is Coming Soon!

Transportation details for the 2016 – 2017 school year will be available on Monday, August 22, 2016. Kindergarten Students Since Junior Kindergarten students will not have an OEN number prior to September, STSWR, Inc. will be sending a direct mail out to families of Junior Kindergarten students detailing busing information for September 2016. Senior Kindergarten […]

Have your say in the 2016-17 School Year Budget!

How can you give input? Appear as a delegation at the June 15, 2016, Special Committee of the Whole Meeting. If you would like to appear as a delegation, you must register with the Manager of Corporate Services by noon on Thursday, June 9, 2016. More information on delegation procedures and how to register is […]

Dance-A-Thon Details

Dance-A-Thon – Thursday June 9th   We are so excited about our fundraising Dance-A-Thon next Thursday.  Just a reminder that there will be prizes for the top fundraiser in each grade, and ice cream party for the top fundraising class and when we reach our goal of $10,000.00 Mr. B will have his head shaved!  […]

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