Today, we are distributing to all students take-home rapid antigen screening kits for students to use over the Winter Break as per Ministry of Education direction. These kits are voluntary and part of a province-wide initiative for safe return in January. Information is being sent home with each student.


Additionally, due to a rise in cases in our community, not necessarily connected to the school, we have been provided with Test to Stay rapid kits that can be used voluntarily next week every other school day until the holidays to help our school remain safe and open. Public Health have provided a list of students who will receive the Test to Stay rapid kits based on the following criteria: 


  • Unvaccinated
  • Not identified as high-risk contacts


The Test to Stay rapid kits will also be distributed today along with a letter from Public Health.  If your child is not here today and they meet the criteria, staff will distribute them on Monday. If your student is absent, you may arrange to pick up your child’s kit from the school.


Thank you for your continued screening and support in helping keep our community safe. Classes that are not dismissed or are cleared to return are considered low-risk and will not receive the Test to Stay kits.

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