September 12th, 2016
Our first School Council meeting of this year is on Tuesday September 13. We will be meeting in the school library and welcome any parents to join us at 7:00 p.m. During this first meeting we will be reviewing the purpose of this parent advisory group, updating school news and addressing various school topics. This is a great opportunity for you to get a taste of what our School Council does and it would be great to see you.
On Thursday September 15 we invite you to join us for a very traditional “Meet the Teacher” evening from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. This is your opportunity to briefly meet the teachers working with your child and to see the current classroom. It is unfortunate that our new addition is not yet completed as it would have been nice to show-off this new part of our facility. We will also be moving a considerable number of classroom locations once we are allowed to enter the new section of our school so the classroom location you visit this week may not be where your child ends up working for the majority of the year.
Looking forward to working with you and seeing you this week,
R. Boettcher (Mr.B)
Categories: News