Totals for Heart and Stroke Are In…

… and once again we can be very proud for our school community contribution to this great cause.  By working together, and having a great “jumping” time while doing so, we managed to raise $3500.00 together. Thanks for all you do to make this such a great community!

Book Fair Success!

A giant Chargers THANK YOU to all our families for supporting our annual Scholastic Book Fair. We sold over $5800.00 in books, raising $1700.00 to be used to purchase new resources for the library and have an award-winning author, Cary Fagan, come to the school in June to talk to all our students. A special […]

Spring Into Reading Week 2014

Yes!  You did read this correctly.  We are talking about “spring” and “reading”!  What a perfect combination and Sir Adam Beck P.S. is once again proud to provide a week full of activities designed to promote the excitement of reading.  The plan for the week of April 7 – 11 has been attached here so […]

Check out the Procedures Page

Recent additions here include adding the designated parking and drop off areas for Creative Beginnings to our Traffic Flow Map and providing reminders in anticipation of some students riding bicycles and scooters to school.

Spring Procedure Refreshers

As the snow slowly disappears and the March Break quickly fades into the past it is a great time to review a few procedures that help to keep our school running efficiently and safely.  We took it upon ourselves to do so at a recent staff meeting just to make sure that we all still […]

Winter Clothing Appreciated

 Posters in the school remind us of our Winter Coat Drive (anything warm accepted) that will not only create more space in our closets, but also help those that struggle to stay warm on those cold winter days.  We appreciate your kindness and the donations that have arrived to this point. Our Winter Coat Drive […]

Invitation to Christmas Concert

I have attached a PDF of the Christmas Concerts Invitation that will be coming to your home tomorrow.  I would like to draw your attention to the following items: – It will be very important to limit attendance to 4 individuals so that everyone has an opportunity to attend.  Please return the bottom portion of […]

Thank YOU!

As a school community, you continue to provide amazing support to our school.  Much has happened in and around our building during our short history that is directly the result of your giving and caring.  Last Friday another improvement at our school took place in the form of additional shelving that was installed to help […]

Movember Conclusion at Sir Adam Beck

  Smiles seem to suggest that an end to itchy faces is most welcome, however one of The Mighty Chargers Movember Team seems upset that the razor could be coming out! We thank you for your support during Movember.  Online donations have reached $215 and we will add cash contributions to be sent in before […]

Optimist Childrens’ Christmas Party

xmasOptimist_outlook_2013 2 Here is a chance to be part of a Christmas Party on December 14th.

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